Yoon and Kishida shared this view on Wednesday when they met bilaterally on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, where they were invited as leaders of the four Indo-Pacific partner countries, which also include Australia and New Zealand, the agency reported. Yonhap News.

The NATO summit came just weeks after Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reached a broad security cooperation agreement.

Earlier on Wednesday, NATO leaders issued a summit statement strongly condemning North Korea's arms exports to Russia.

"The recent moves by Russia and North Korea are causing serious concerns not only in East Asia but also global security," Yoon said at the start of talks with Kishida.

"I hope that South Korea and Japan will cooperate closely with NATO member countries and reaffirm that the security of the North Atlantic and Northeast Asia cannot be separated," she added.

Yoon said Moscow's close alignment with Pyongyang highlights the importance of trilateral security cooperation between South Korea, the United States and Japan, as outlined at their Camp David summit in August 2023.

"The two leaders shared concerns about strengthening military and economic cooperation between Russia and North Korea through the signing of the 'comprehensive strategic partnership' treaty," Yoon's office said in a statement.

"They agreed that South Korea and Japan will cooperate closely and work together with the international community to address military cooperation between Russia and North Korea that violates UN Security Council resolutions," she added.

Kishida also said that the security of the two regions is "inseparable."

"Atlantic and Indo-Pacific security are inseparable. This summit provides an opportunity to deepen cooperation between NATO and our Indo-Pacific partners," Kishida said through a translator.

Yoon and Kishida last met in Seoul in May as part of a trilateral summit with China.