The party said its 'Nyaya Patra' is a blueprint and comprehensive vision of the country's future. Congress also expressed displeasure over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comment that the Congress manifesto has the imprint of Muslim League.

Addressing a press conference in the capital, party's social media in-charge Supriya Shrinet said the Congress manifesto has caught the nation's attention and has also started a debate among the public about correcting the mistakes of the last 10 years. Is. ,

He also accused BJP of diverting attention from Congress's election promises by making baseless claims.

Hitting out at the Prime Minister for his jibe at the Muslim League, Shrinet said the party's manifesto has "created panic in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and PM Modi is upset and scared by it.",

“The party's manifesto bears the imprint of youth, women, farmers and workers. I symbolize hope for the future,” he added, citing election promises like the Mahalakshmi scheme and apprenticeship for unemployed youth.

He accused the Prime Minister of instigating and resorting to Hindu-Muslim divide during elections despite being in power for ten years.

“After being in power for 10 years, when the country is on the verge of elections and the Prime Minister has to show his report card and ask for votes, he is nervous. He has once again resorted to the same worn-out Hindu-Muslim script,” the Congress spokesperson said.Notably, the Prime Minister was apparently the first BJP leader to take on the Congress over its election promises in his 'Nyaya Patra' and said it looked more like an 'appeasement letter' than an 'election manifesto', while It was also claimed that I have the imprint of Muslim League and to some extent leftist ideology.

The Congress spokesperson further said that the party's manifesto will lay the foundation for social justice as well as 'correcting the mistakes and misdeeds' of the past 1 years.

“The Congress manifesto is the voice of India based on the 5 pillars of justice. It has an indelible mark on the people of the country, it has the imprint of the expectations, aspirations and challenges of the crores of people who met you during the Connect Bharat Jodo Yatra and Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra. It bears the imprint of 10 years of broken souls and the emergence of a new hope, he said.He said, "This Nyaya Patra has solutions to every problem that has arisen in the last one year - like unemployment, inflation, economic inequality, crimes against women, plight of farmers." The number, which stood at around 180 seats in the latest surveys.