Santa Clara, CEO of Silicon Valley Central Chamber of Commerce has said that Indians are one of the biggest leaders of innovation in Silicon Valley and the US tech industry cannot survive without them.

"I don't have the new figures, but what matters is that we (Indians) are such an impactful contributor," Harbir K Bhatia said in an interview.

“India is one of the biggest leaders of innovation in Silicon Valley. One point, was collected (according to which) 40 percent of the CEOs or founders of Silico Valley were from South Asia or India. This is huge,” said Sri.Based in Santa Clara, the heart of Silicon Valley, the Chamber of Commerce is made up of a group of visionary business leaders from several cities who help grow and shape the future of Silicon Valley.

“Here you get the opportunity to be yourself and be creative, to be all that you are without worrying about your colour, your skin, the religion you follow, caste, culture, anything You get the opportunity to be who you want to be,” said Shree.

Bhatia said all major corporations like Google, YouTube Google Foundation and Microsoft are led by Indians.

“They're either at the CXO (chief experience officer) level or they're the CEO, it doesn't happen by chance,” he said.

Bhatia said Indians bring some of the best values ​​to work like hard work and productivity."I can tell you this, if you score 98 per cent in school, your mom and dad will always tell you that, but why couldn't you score a hundred per cent? That's our culture, that's who we are. It's never There is not enough, and that longing and that aspiration is what separates us (from others),' Bhatia said.

"I'm not saying that other races don't believe this way, but being one of the largest populations on the planet, it's something that is part of who we are...," she said.

Praising 'Bharatiya Jugaad' as a frugal and flexible approach to problem-solving, he said: "If there is a problem, apply homegrown solutions to it, you will get the solution.

When asked about Silicon Valley's relations with India, he said that India has played an important role in its success.“Well, there are a lot of relationships. Let's talk about the basics. The bottom line is that most outsourcing is still done in India. The tech industry is able to thrive in the United States because they can adopt a three-to-one model, meaning the cost of one employee in the US is equal to three employees in India,” Bhatia said.

“I mean, let's be real about it.Who is running all the operations? Who's keeping all the lights on? It is our forces, our community that is an integral part of every tech company in some way or the other. They can't survive without us,'' she said.

America brings some of the brightest minds from India, he said.

He said, "One of the reasons they keep trying to put a cap on visas is because they know we're so good that they just have to put a cap. Otherwise, we could take all the jobs.,

He said that Indians can progress in any profession, be it technology, farming or healthcare.