Washington, More than two dozen top US lawmakers have expressed outrage over the recent vandalism of a Hindu temple in New York, which occurred days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the United States.

The road and signage outside the BAPS Swaminarayan temple in Melville, New York, were sprayed with expletives on Monday.

Melville is located in Suffolk County on Long Island and is about 28 kilometers from the 16,000-seat Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to speak at a mega community event on September 22. “The desecration of this Hindu place of worship is vile. Hate has no place on Long Island or anywhere else in New York or across America,” said Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer.

“I am deeply saddened by the desecration of the BAPS Mandir in Melville, New York. This act of vandalism is a clear attempt to incite hatred against Hindus and has no place in our country. We must come together to show that love and understanding will always triumph over intolerance and division,” said Congressman Rich McCormick.

“It is disturbing to see the hateful vandalism of the BAPS Hindu temple in Melville, New York. I wish our Hindu community strength and peace in the face of this unacceptable display of intolerance. If we are united, we can continue to be stronger than hate," said lawmaker Andy Kim. Congressman Brad Sherman said the temple vandalism is not only a "vile act of hate" against the Hindu community but also an "unjust attack “I stand on the side of Hindu Americans. Those responsible must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” he said.

“Hate has no home in our community. That was the unified message from more than a dozen of my fellow elected officials and me in response to the hateful and bigoted graffiti and vandalism at the BAPS Hindu temple in Melville,” said Congressman Nick LaLota.

"Our great nation was founded on the principles of religious and political freedom, and I am proud to see leaders of both parties quickly come together to support the BAPS community during this difficult time," he said. Congresswoman Michelle Steel strongly condemned the "hateful act of vandalism" against New York's Hindu community. "Now more than ever, Americans must unite behind the values ​​of decency and mutual respect," she said.

“No one should face fear because of their faith. She strongly condemned the recent attacks on BAPS Mandir in New York. We stand in solidarity with our BAPS community and stand united against all forms of hate,” said Legislator Glenn Grothman.

Congressman Buddy Carter said religious prejudice is "not welcome" in the United States. Congresswoman Young Kim said no one should live in fear because of their faith. “I fully condemn the acts of hate directed at the BAPS Mandir in New York and join my bipartisan colleagues in standing in solidarity with our friends at BAPS and uniting against hate. Love always triumphs over hate,” she said.

Congressman Jonathan L Jackson said he was deeply saddened by the desecration of the "magnificent temple and all the hateful threats against the Hindu community."

“These acts of vandalism, intolerance and hatred are a continuation of the hatred we have seen directed at Haitian, Venezuelan, Afghan and other immigrant groups in recent years. These attacks are antithetical to the core values ​​of this great nation. Unlike the old world, the American experiment is based on the ideal that all those who believe in the American Dream are equally American. This is regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin,” he stated. “I strongly condemn these acts and pray for peace, respect and harmony for all. “I extend my deepest prayers to those affected by this act of hate and support law enforcement in their efforts to bring those who perpetrated this crime to justice,” Jackson said.

Congresswoman Grace Meng said she was "horrified" to learn that the temple was being attacked by vandals.

“There is no place for hate and intolerance in our community. I stand with the Hindu community as they pray for peace and unity. Those responsible for these crimes must be held accountable,” he said. Calling it a “vile act of intimidation” against Hindus, Congresswoman Lori Trahan said the vandalism goes against everything they stand for as Americans who respect the rights of every person. to practice their religion free of persecution. "We must strongly condemn this and all forms of hate," she said.

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick said "the vile desecration was an unconscionable act intended to sow division and hatred."

“These egregious attacks of bias strike at the heart of our shared humanity and must be met with swift resolution. Today and always we stand with our Hindu brothers and sisters. We must unequivocally and without hesitation condemn violence and hatred in all its forms; together, we must overcome it, rooted in the principles of compassion, respect and a shared commitment to peace and justice,” he said. Congressman Tom Souzzi said he was shocked by the “horrible acts of vandalism” that targeted the temple, and stated that such acts of "vandalism, intolerance and hatred occur too frequently due to national leaders' inflammatory rhetoric, extremism and lack of accountability." ".

"Acts like these are un-American and contradict the core values ​​of our nation," he said.

Congressman Mark Takano denounced the recent acts of vandalism and threats directed at this Hindu temple. "We cannot accept hate in our communities," he said. “I am horrified to learn of the vandalism against the BAPS Hindu temple in Melville, New York. Let's be clear: hate and intolerance have no place in this country. I stand in solidarity with the Hindu community as we work toward peace,” said Congressman Donald Norcross.

“I am disgusted by the vandalism of the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Melville. There is no place for this type of hate and vitriol in a civilized society. I stand with the Long Island Hindu community and condemn this act unequivocally,” said Congressman Andrew Garbarino.

The Hindu American Foundation has called for an investigation into the incident by the Department of Justice.