Washington, DC [US], Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Hale on Wednesday said she will vote for former US President Donald Trump instead of US President Joe Biden in November, The Hill reported. In remarks at the Hudson Institute, Haley said she preferred a president who would hold enemies accountable, secure the border and support "capitalism and freedom." He added that, although "Trump has not been right on these policies", "Biden has been a disaster." , Who will secure the border, no excuses.'' Haley said, ''A president who will support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands that we need less debt, not more debt.''He said,''Trump has not been right on these policies. I have made this clear many times. But Biden has been a disaster. So, I'm going to vote for Trump," Nikki Haley said, The Hill reports. Earlier, in March, Haley had dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination.He had said, “Now the time has come to suspend my campaign. I said I want the voices of Americans to be heard. I have done that. I have no regrets." He said, "I stand by what I said in my suspension speech.Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, rather than assume they're just going to stick with him," and I really hope he does. Haley's remarks at the institute at a time like this She remains a significant presence in the Republican presidential primary results, as some in the GOP have expressed their disappointment with Donald Trump through protest votes. The former governor received 20 percent of the vote in Maryland's GOP primary last week, and 18 percent of the vote in Nebraska the week before. He received 22 percent of the vote in Indiana's Republican primary. Earlier this year, he was defeated in the two key states of Arizona and Pennsylvania. Trump emphasized that Nikki Haley's supporters will support him against Biden in the general election, with the former US president saying earlier this month, according to The Hill report. “They got very few voters.” H continued, “And all those voters are coming to me, and you might have a lot of Democrats because they have a very tricky little system.But those voters are coming to me. Meanwhile, Biden's campaign has also taken a step towards Haley's supporters. Earlier, in March, Biden had said that Trump did not want Haley's supporters, while in March there was room for her in his campaign, Biden Said, "Donald Trump has made it clear he doesn't want Nikki Haley." Supporters." He added, "I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign", The Hill reported. The former South Carolina governor joined the Hudson Institute as Walter Stern president in April.The post will help her keep a notable profile for the 2028 GOP presidential primary, for which she has repeatedly floated.