New Delhi, A woman who had previously faced seven failed pregnancies has recently given birth to a healthy baby boy with the help of doctors at AIIMS Delhi after they identified the OD phenotype of her fetus suffering from a rare blood disorder called red cell units. Was treated successfully through transfusion. from Japan.

According to doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), this medical feat is the first procedure of its kind in India and only the eighth case reported globally.

This patient, resident of Haryana, has already had seven unsuccessful pregnancies. In her eighth pregnancy, after receiving a blood transfusion of six fetuses, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, the hospital said in a statement.Doctors said both the mother and the newborn have been discharged in good health.

Dr Neena Malhotra, head of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at AIIMS, said that incompatibility between the red blood cells of the mother and the baby can lead to serious complications for the unborn child such as anemia, jaundice, heart failure and even fetal death. May cause complications. Delhi.

The most common known incompatibility is caused by the RhD antigen and in severe cases of fetal anemia, RhD blood is transferred to the fetus inside the mother's womb through the umbilical cord, the doctor said.

Dr Malhotra said, “However, in this case, the mother was negative for Rh17 antigen, which is very rare to find.Due to this, the fetuses in her womb will suffer from incompatibility and develop anemia, resulting in the loss of seven pregnancies." .

The gynecologist said that when she came to AIIMS-Delhi during her seventh pregnancy, she had already lost her child in the womb, but the blood bank team led by Dr Hem Chandra Pandey identified her rare blood group. Was done.

“In her eighth pregnancy, she came to us in the fifth month of pregnancy, when it was discovered that the baby was already suffering from anemia and required immediate blood transfusion. Although the blood group had been identified, in India Blood was not available," he added.A team from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology coordinated with Dr Pandey and contacted the Japanese Red Cross, which confirmed the availability of the required blood.

Funds for relocation and necessary permits were arranged immediately with the help of the Social Services Department of AIIMS and various NGOs, securing the required funds within 48 hours. Administrative approval was quickly obtained and blood was imported from Japan.

After importation, the fetus received six intrauterine blood transfusions, which successfully reversed the hydrops (heart failure) condition.

The pregnancy continued for eight months after which the baby was delivered by cesarean section.AIIMS said, “This is the first case in India and 8th in the world of successful pregnancy outcome in case of alloimmunization due to Rh 17 Ag. This case is different in many ways."