New Delhi [India], The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has responded to former head coach Igor Stimac's comments after he was sacked from his position.

Stimac's contract was terminated on June 17 after senior AIFF officials held a virtual meeting with the Croatian. A couple of days after his contract was terminated, Stimac accused the AIFF and its president Kalyan Chaubey and claimed that he would file a case if he did not pay his dues within ten days.

The AIFF issued a statement on Monday stating that comments made by Stimac were made with "the sole intention of defaming the AIFF and showing its staff in a bad light." The Federation also acknowledged that Stimac used an astrologer to determine the selection of teams and player calls. AIFF also stated that there were concerns regarding his training style and tactics.

"The AIFF also chose to ignore several misdeeds and negative statements by the coach over time, of which there are too many to analyze, just to ensure that India's preparation for the FIFA World Cup qualifiers is not derailed." was hampered. The new AIFF management was shocked to notice his dependence on an astrologer to determine player call-ups, team selections and took immediate necessary steps to put an end to the same. His selection of support staff too. was questioned and was the subject of concern among many players," the AIFF said in a statement. .

"Despite all the support, the coach always sought to deflect blame and, according to him, everything and everyone else was wrong and responsible for any situation, except himself. This sentiment was also shared by several players who had expressed their concerns regarding Mr. Stimac's training style and tactics brought to the attention of the AIFF on multiple occasions," the statement added. During his interaction with the media, Stimac also accused the AIFF of failing to provide players with GPS vests during 200 days, as the equipment was lost in transit in October during the 2023 Asian Games.

AIFF confirmed that the new devices were ordered and arrived in March 2024 after it was confirmed that the lost devices could not be recovered.

"With regard to the unavailability of GPS vests, Mr. Stimac is aware that the airline lost the team's GPS equipment in transit during the team's September 2023 trip from New Delhi to Hangzhou for the Asian Games. The Mr. Stimac, himself being part of the traveling contingent and having been briefed by the team manager during the team's trip, was well aware of the incident and the cause of it. These are expensive devices and multiple attempts were made to recover the luggage without. success," AIFF said in the statement. "When it became clear that recovery was unlikely, new devices were ordered and arrived in India in March 2024, after completing essential procedural formalities. The vests were immediately made available to the team for the important qualifying leg for the FIFA World Cup from the first day of the Bhubaneshwar camp i.e. May 10, 2024 onwards While it is true that the team did not have access to the GPS vests for approximately 50 days of training. and matches due to its unfortunate loss in checked luggage. "The coach's claim that the GPS equipment was not available for more than 200 days is obviously misleading and an attempt to exaggerate the matter," AIFF added.

The AIFF also responded to Stimac's comments about undergoing heart surgery while he was in charge of the Indian football team.

"The AIFF is also shocked to note in Mr. Stimac's public statements that he underwent heart surgery during his engagement with the AIFF. He has irresponsibly blamed the AIFF for causing his heart disease, attempting to deflect the serious issue of not had been a doctor fit to provide coaching services and his failure to formally disclose the same to the AIFF," the governing body commented. The AIFF also referred to Stimac's dismissal and stated that the body must act in the interest of the nation. The governing body claimed that the Croatian coach was offered to part ways by mutual agreement, but he rejected the offer and made unreasonable and unprofessional demands.

"The AIFF had to act in the national interest and ensure that the game progressed in the country. Mr. Stimac was offered the opportunity to part ways on mutual terms. He rejected the offer, making unreasonable and unprofessional demands in response. The AIFF "Therefore, it was left with no choice but to terminate Mr. Stimac's contract for just cause and in accordance with the terms of the contract, offering him 3 months' severance pay," AIFF said in the statement.