Speaking to IANS, the mental health expert said AI can not only promote cost-effective care but also reach out to the masses, as there are less specialized experts in the field.

"The prevalence of mental illnesses and mental health concerns is high but the number of experts in this field is very low. And these experts are also unevenly distributed," Sameer said.

He said the number of specialists reduces as one moves beyond metro cities, into tiers III and IV and even towards the district and rural levels.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, about 60 to 70 million people in India are reported to be suffering from moderate and severe mental disorders.“The burden of mental health in India is estimated to be $2-3 billion and it is estimated that one in every eight people suffers from some form of mental health disorder. Therefore, mental wellness solutions are relevant, especially in a society like India Where mental health is a deep concern." Stigmatization has led to lack of awareness,” said Sameer while launching ‘Adayu Mindfulness’.
, in collaboration with United We Care and Adayu.

“I believe that Digital India and AI interventions are the way forward for a country like ours as well as a large part of the developing world, where we need to ensure that the costs for mental health care There is a need for effective and highest level outreach.The fact is that experts are less,” he said.

But when it comes to mental health, is AI on par with humans?

“AI is not replacing clinical expertise, but supporting it,” Sami said. He said AI can help in screening and understand whether a person should see a psychologist or psychiatrist.

"There are some people who will have trouble, some who will need a little help and support, but not specialist intervention in a medical context. That help will be self-improvement, basic guidance, some self-help, something about Might be yourself, some teacher videos or materials, but given by credible sources that also come from a medical evidence-based background."So psychological first aid can be given," the doctor said. AI can listen, give some education, help people understand what to do, provide lifestyle-related support, thought-related support. which is meant to help affirm positive thinking among others."

Additionally, it can also screen patients and rule out the presence of a condition that requires specialist intervention.

“So AI can help with psychological therapy, guidance and it can also help with continuity of treatment and compliance as well as overall relapse management.”

“Available 24/7 in scientific evidence-based manuals, and under the supervision of experts, AI is not about replacing or equal to human support, but will serve as an assistive system,” the doctor said."