KUALA LUMPUR: The debate over AI ignores marginalized communities who stand to benefit the most. Instead, AI can empower them, fight injustice and provide equal opportunities.

The debate surrounding the impact of AI often plays out like a dystopian movie – job losses, invasions of privacy, and takeover by superintelligent machines. But amid these concerns, one important voice is missing: that of marginalized communities.

These communities, who face systemic oppression and limited access to resources, are rarely part of the conversation.They are the ones who will benefit most from responsible AI development. As a leveler, AIAI can truly empower marginalized people by providing tools and opportunities that overcome traditional barriers. Marginalization due to religion, race, class gender and sexuality cannot be solved through AI techno-solutionism is the belief that technology can provide solutions to a wide range of social, political and economic problems.

Yet, some of the most important beneficiaries of AI technology may be marginalised, especially those who lack cultural capital, privilege, access to resources.

The benefit of AI is its ability to democratize access to information and resources.For example, AI-powered translation tools can help non-native speakers communicate effectively, breaking down language barriers that often act as markers of privilege. AI-powered educational platforms first generation Can also provide personalized learning experiences while meeting the needs of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. AI technology can empower these individuals by democratizing access to information, advice, and essential services while challenging the status quo of privilege and inclusion.

Empowering people with disabilitiesFor people with disabilities, AI could be a game-changer. AI-powered applications can help people with autism develop social skills and recognize emotional cues, enhancing their ability to interact with others.Adaptive platforms can provide educational content adapted to learners with dyslexia and other learning disorders, ensuring they receive the support they need to succeed. By providing personalized, responsive and assistive devices, A can help individuals with disabilities achieve greater independence in inclusion.

Challenging InjusticeMarginalized communities often face systemic injustice, such as discrimination and exclusion from economic opportunities. AI can help challenge these injustices by providing equal opportunities and access to resources.

AI can help small entrepreneurs from marginalized backgrounds provide insight into market trends and optimize supply chains, enabling them to compete with larger businesses.AI-powered job matching platforms can help individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds find job opportunities that match their skills, thereby reducing the impact of discrimination in the job market. The responsibility for AI should lie elsewhere

The primary responsibility for ensuring AI is ethical and beneficial should lie with those who have the power to shape the technology, such as policy makers technologists and corporations. They have the ability to create and enforce rules to ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly without exacerbating existing inequalities. There are three main areas in which the responsible development, deployment of AI revolves around existential crises .

Responsible AI development must address ethical concerns related to exploitation of training data, energy consumption, and workers, especially in African countries that engage in supervised training of models.Responsible deployment of AI systems is essential, particularly with respect to their use for surveillance, warfare, and privacy violations. The existential risks posed by superintelligent systems range from catastrophic scenarios, such as the overthrow of human society, to more immediate issues such as critical Even job losses occur.

Although these concerns raise the need for stronger AI policies and frameworks, some issues remain speculative. For example, there is no consensus on what constitutes superintelligence, with much of the discourse influenced by science fiction.

The threat of job loss is an immediate concern, especially in white-collar sectors.Marginalized people are often already burdened with the struggle to escape systemic injustice and fight for their rights. Adding the responsibility of AI to their existing challenges will only further oppress them. Instead, society should focus on leveraging AI to uplift and empower these communities, using the technology as a tool for social justice and equality.(360info.org) NSA