Iran Parliament Tehran [Iran], Lawmakers in the new Iranian parliament have reinstated former Revolutionary Guards commander Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf as parliament speaker, state media reported Qalibaf was elected to the post at the first session of the 12th Islamic Consultative Assembly. Was selected for. Qalibaf was elected as Speaker of Parliament with 198 votes out of 287 at the Parliament building in Tehran today, with IRNA reporters Mojtaba Zolnouri and Manouchehr Mottaki being the others who contested for the post. Zolnouri received 60 votes while Mottaki received only 5 votes. And there were also 24 invalid votes. The 2024 legislative elections were held in Iran in two rounds on March 1 and May 10, to choose the successor of Ebrahim Raisi, Ghalibaf as a possible candidate for the SNA presidential election to be held on June 28. The name was being mentioned. The presidential election was necessitated by the death of Raisi, Iran's eighth president, who died in a helicopter crash on May 19. Raisi and his companions, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdallahian, were killed after the helicopter crashed in the Varzakan region in the northwest. Raisi, from the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan, was buried last Thursday at the shrine of Imam Reza (AS) – the eighth Imam of Shia Muslims in northeastern Iran.