New Delhi: Senior and junior residents of the University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) and GTB Hospital called off their indefinite strike on Wednesday after a meeting with the medical director of GTB Hospital and the director of UCMS, officials said.

The strike began after an attack on doctors by a patient's assistants.

The meeting concluded with the formation of a six-member committee, comprising members of GTB Hospital and UCMS administration, along with the RDA president, to oversee the timely implementation of the RDA demands, according to an official statement released by the Association of Resident Doctors. (GDR).

The first meeting of this committee is scheduled for Thursday at 11 a.m.

A woman, who was admitted to Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital in east Delhi's Shahdara area, died during surgery after giving birth to a baby boy on Monday night. This angered her assistants and on Tuesday morning, a mob of 50 to 70 armed people stormed the hospital premises, vandalized property and attacked doctors and staff members.

The doctors subsequently went on strike, demanding action against the attackers and strong security management at the hospital.

"After the meeting, we called off the strike at 6:30 pm on Wednesday as our main demand was to increase security and file an FIR, which has been approved and filed," said RDA president Dr Nitesh Kumar.

"Tomorrow we will have another meeting to discuss other demands, such as installation of panic call buttons and installation of metal doors, and decide the deadline to meet these demands," he added.

Dr Kumar said the OPD was affected during the strike as the hospital was functioning with only 50 per cent doctors, but the emergency services were not disrupted during this time.

He also said that they spoke to the police officials and were assured that timely action would be taken since the FIR took cognizance of the matter.

An emergency meeting was held at 11.45 am on Wednesday in the medical director's room of GTB Hospital in response to the ongoing agitation and strike by the Resident Doctors Association (RDA) of GTBH and UCMS.

Representatives of the GDR submitted a letter outlining their concerns and demands. The demands included adequate patrolling by police officers, issuance of an institutional FIR copy (which has been filed), strengthening of security with bouncers and resolution of security lapses, among others. Some of these measures have already been implemented, while others will be discussed on Thursday.

An FIR has been registered against a woman's family members for allegedly creating a ruckus and attacking doctors and staff members of a Delhi government hospital following her death during a post-delivery surgery, officials said.