New Delhi [India], Implementing the closure report filed by Telangana Police in Rohith Vemula death case, Union Minister Smriti Irani and three others were acquitted; BJP leader Amit Malviya on Saturday said that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi politicized the incident for political gains. He also questioned whether the Wayanad MP would apologize to Dalits after the closure report on the death of a research student in Hyderabad University. On his official In the clip, Rahul is heard questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'silence in this matter'. Now in the House to politicize the death of Rohith Vemula for its nefarious politics when the Telangana Police under the Congress government has filed a closure report stating that Vemula was not from the S community and died by suicide. Will Rahul Gandhi apologize?Dalit? Congress and so-called 'secular' parties have often used Dalits for their politics, but have always failed to provide them justice," said Ajay Alok, alleging that the Congress had tried to justify Vemula's death. A false story was fabricated about this. Speaking to ANI on Saturday, the BJP leader said, "The issue is not whether he (Rohit Vemula) was a Dalit or not. The question should be raised against those who did not allow Parliament to function," claiming that the BJP government He is anti-Dalit." They politicized the issue and created a false narrative around it.However, the Telangana Director General of Police on Friday said that they have decided to investigate further into the death of the research scholar in January 2016. This decision comes a few days after the state police's decision. A closure report was filed in the investigation of the case. Vemula, a PhD scholar at Hyderabad Central University, was found hanging from a ceiling fan in a hostel room on January 17, 2016. He was reportedly upset over the disciplinary action taken against