The Urban Development Department has come up with new park adoption guidelines that will make it easier to maintain parks in the neighbourhood.

Under the new rules, any private company, society, trust, undertaking and registered association of residents or traders will get the opportunity to maintain the park.

A legal contract detailing the maintenance agreement will be signed between the urban local body and the interested party.

Awarded for three years, the park taking entity will have the option to take over the full or partial area of ​​the park or provide funding for infrastructure and facilities such as water dispensers, furniture, dustbins, sculptures and canopies. Other materials.

A board will be installed at the entrance of the park on which the name of the agency that has adopted the park for maintenance will be prominently displayed.

The agency maintaining the park will have the option to organize flower exhibitions or other commercial activities such as educational camps and yoga or meditation classes for 20 days a year.

However, fees for such activity will require prior local urban body approval.

Display of advertisements and signboards will be permitted as per the rules prescribed by the concerned municipal body.

Principal Secretary, Urban Development Department, Amrit Abhijat said that sub-letting to any third party will not be allowed.

“In big cities governed by municipal corporations, we have already received some proposals from corporate offices and industry owners to adopt parks,” Abhijat said.