Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday said that under the 'Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam' campaign, the state has set a target of planting over 36.46 crore saplings this year and has directed all concerned departments to achieve this target by July. twenty.

In a meeting held at his official residence on Tuesday, Adityanath said work should be done on setting targets at the departmental and district levels for the plantation drive across the state, the UP government said in a statement.

On the occasion, the chief minister said that UP has immense blessings from nature and God. The plantation campaign here has now taken the form of a mass movement.

More than 168 crores have been planted here in the last six years, of which 5.72 crores were planted in 2017-18, 11.77 crores in 2018-19, 22.60 crores in 2019-20, Rs 25.87 crore in 2020-21, Rs 30.53 crore in 2021-22, Rs 35.49 crore in 2022-23 and Rs 36.16 crore in 2023-24, it said.

All ministers must be present in the districts under their charge and plant trees together with local public representatives and the general public. Nodal officials should play an active role in this programme, he said.

The prime minister said availability of plants is very important for the success of the plantation drive. The Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has prepared nearly 54.20 crore plants.

Apart from planting these plants, adequate measures should be taken for their protection, he said, adding that geo-tagging of the plantation sites should be done.

On this occasion, Adityanath also announced the 2024 summer crane census. He reported that on this occasion 19,918 cranes have been found in the census. This number was 19,522 in 2023 and 19,188 in 2022.

He also unveiled the logo of 'Ped Lagao-Ped Bachao Jan Abhiyan-2024' and published the tree plantation flip book.

The chief minister said that thanks to extensive public cooperation, the total green area of ​​the state is continuously increasing. The state government's target is to increase the total green area of ​​the state from 9.23 per cent in 2021-22 to 15 per cent in 2026-27. Under this objective, 175 crore will need to be planted and protected, he said.

Adityanath said the state government is working to increase farmers' income through 'carbon finance'. For this, the state government will also offer incentives to farmers. Information about carbon finance should be made available to as many farmers as possible, he said.

He said departments that do not have enough land should coordinate with other departments and carry out plantation work on a priority basis.

He directed the in-charge ministers and nodal officials to join the public plantation campaign. Some innovations should also be introduced in relation to the public plantation campaign, he added.

The prime minister said beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana should be provided with thigh plants (sahjan) and thigh plants should be planted at Anganwadi centres. This plant is very effective in preventing malnutrition.