New Delhi [India], The Asian Development Bank has once again reaffirmed its support to India, saying it will "continue to focus on projects and programs that accelerate India's structural transformation." The focus will be primarily on projects that create employment, address infrastructure deficiencies, promote green growth, and promote social and economic inclusion. ADB is a regional development bank headquartered in Located in Manila, Philippines, it was established in 1966 as a Japanese-led bank.The first industrialized state in Asia. Its members (49 from the region) finance development projects in their member countries throughout Asia. ADB said it is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient and sustainable Asia and the Pacific while continuing its efforts to counter extremism. poverty. ADB said the Manila-based organization has committed UDS 2.6 billion to sovereign projects in the country to support the development of industrial corridors, build India's climate resilience, support horticulture, encourage power sector reforms, and improve connectivity. and technical assistance of $4.1 million under the Sovereign Portfolio.Additionally, ADB committed more than $1 billion to private sector projects through 2023. It approved additional funding for the Industrial Corridors Development Program (NICDP) launched by the Government of India in 2016. It has also provided loan facilities to Visakhapatnam.-Chennai Industrial Corridor Development Two policy-based loans were committed to support the urban reform agenda of the government at the state level and to reform the power sector to facilitate the transition to renewable energy. Additionally, ADB provided funding for the expansion of urban services in the state of Uttarakhand.Rajasthan, and Tripura; Improving road connectivity in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh; Expanding the Delhi-Meerut Rapid Rail Transit Corridor and promoting horticulture development in Himachal Pradesh "ADB's portfolio in 2023 supports the government's priority agenda. We will continue to focus on projects and programs that contribute to India's structural transformation. “Accelerate growth, create jobs, address infrastructure shortages, deploy smart technologies and innovations, and promote social and economic inclusion,” said Mio Oka, ADB Country Director for India. “ADB continues to provide knowledge support through technical and operational studies to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to develop its urban sector by 2023,” it said. Assisting the Government of Assam in developing a strategic framework, ADB prioritizes projects on basic services, critical infrastructure and services, institutional strength, and private sector development through sovereign operations in low-income states and more developed non- Focuses on transformational programs with policy and knowledge advice in conjunction with sovereign operations.