"We stand by our commitment to provide affordable clean energy at unprecedented scale and velocity and have set a higher target of 50GW by 2030, which will contribute to India's non-fossil fuel capacity target of 50 GW," he said.

Operating capacity grew 35 per cent year-on-year to 10,934 MW (or 10.9 GW), led by greenfield addition of 2,848 MW of renewable capacity, including 2,418 MW solar and 430 MW wind projects.

with this. AGEL becomes the first company in India to cross 10,000 M renewable energy capacity.

According to the company, the operational portfolio of 10,934 MW will power more than 5.8 million homes and avoid approximately 21 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.AGEN is developing the world's largest renewable energy project of 30,000 MW on barren land in Khavda, Gujarat. Within just 12 months of inception, the company has commissioned 2,000 MW.

In March this year, the Science Museum in London, UK, opened 'Energe Revolution: The Adani Green Energy Gallery', a major gallery exploring how the world can transition to more sustainable forms of energy to urgently decarbonize to limit climate change. How can it be produced and used effectively?