Glasgow [Scotland], Amjad Ayub Mirza, a prominent activist from Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir, has raised serious concerns about a recent notification issued by the PoJK government. The notification issued on May 13 talked about reducing electricity duty and taxes, but Mirza admitted that it was vague and fraudulent. According to Mirza, the leadership of Jammu and Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC) was reluctant to accept the notification and Failed to seek legal advice before shutting down a significant protest movement, including a long march and sit-in. He alleged that the notification failed to address the key demands of the public including tax-free electricity, resolution of past bills and declaring PoJK a load-shedding-free zone. Furthermore, Dr. Mirza highlights several significant omissions in the notification. There is no mention of the duration of the tariff reduction, leaving it subject to possible cancellation at any time by the Prime Minister of PoJK Additionally, concerns arise about the sustainability of the subsidies, such as those from the federal government (PKR )23 billion grant, and lack of clarity on future renewal.The notification also ignores issues such as price fluctuations in the supply of wheat from Pakistan and cessation of privileges for executive and bureaucratic officials. Furthermore, Mirza asked the government to monitor the implementation of the notification and any future changes. Emphasized the absence of a national advisory body to conduct the review. The oversight compromises the validity of the notification and undermines the sacrifices made by protesters, including the tragic death of five individuals during demonstrations. The region is particularly grappling with socio-economic challenges, and Mirza's concerns highlight the importance of meaningful dialogue and concrete measures to ensure Justice and equality for all residents.