Guwahati, Acclaimed Assamese film director Rupak Gogoi said his multi-crore action thriller 'Rudra', which is set for release across India by the end of this year, will also have an emotional element.

In conversation with , the award-winning filmmaker said that Assamese superstar Ravi Sarma will play the lead role in the film, which will have around 6 senior and junior actors from film and theater backgrounds.

Gogoi, best known for the critically acclaimed children's film 'Tumi Malala' (You Are My Malala), said, "The film will be an action thriller but will also have some emotional elements, which will show some of the conditions in the rural society."

Gogoi, who has also written the script of 'Rudra', said the shooting, which will take place in Assam, Meghalaya and Andhra Pradesh, will begin next week and is expected to be completed by July.

He said that the production unit is currently working with a special team to ensure high quality action in the film.“We have brought in experts from outside the state and they are training about 3 local youth, which will be useful for Assamese cinema in the future. Usually, stuntmen for action in Assamese films are brought from Hyderabad, Mumbai and Chennai. Which makes production very expensive,'' he said.

The filmmaker said that he aims to release the film by the end of November.

When asked about the budget, Gogoi said, "Initially we had fixed a budget, but later realized that if we stuck to that figure, perhaps we would not be able to provide the entertainment to the audience that we had planned. Therefore, we have kept the budget open and will invest as per requirement.,

'Rudra' is produced by Rajesh Kumar More, OP Garodiya, Arvind Garodiya, Gauta Beriya, Anup Beriya and Manoj Kumar Kedia.

More said that 'Rudra' will be a big budget film.

When asked how he would deal if he faced a situation like that of the Assamese superstar, whose big-budget film recently failed at the box office following his change in stance on the CAA, Gogoi said, "A The film should be worth watching..only then will it succeed despite efforts by some sections to sabotage it."

Gogoi also rejected an instruction by a militant organization to the hall owner to screen a particular Assamese film for three weeks, failing which no Hindi film would be allowed to be screened.

"This should not happen... If there is no audience for that particular Assamese film, what will the hall owner do for three weeks? If in this case, the producer has requested the extremist group to issue such an order, So such things should not happen at all,” he insisted.On 'Tumi Malala', Gogoi said the story revolves around the friendship between a maid's daughter and her employer against the backdrop of the National Register of Citizens (NRC).

Gogoi said, "We faced some difficulties in some Indian festivals as the topic was a bit controversial due to the political scenario of the country. However, we did not face any such issues in international events. We believe that Our efforts were recognized by cine lovers." Said.He said, 'Tumi Malala' was the only film from India to be screened as an 'Official Selection' among 10 foreign participants at the Beijing International Children's Film Festival 2022 and it received the Golden Flowers Award at the event.