Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Superstar Aamir Khan's son Junaid is all set to enter Bollywood with many interesting projects while his first project 'Maharaj' produced under the YRF banner has already been announced. The official announcement of his second film is still awaited and now, according to a source, Junaid has completed the shooting of his second film even before the premiere of his first project 'Maharaj'. "Despite the heavy schedule, Junaid continues to showcase his versatility. 58 days of shooting for his second exciting project," the source said Junaid and Sai Pallavi were recently seen shooting for the film 'Maharaj' in Japan. The film also stars Jaideep Ahlawat and Shaleen Pandey, whose last film was Hichki. It is inspired by true events. An incredible David vs. Goliath story, it tells how a regular journalist by profession takes on a powerful role model, hailed by many as a messiah for the masses. The period drama is a symbol of mankind's spirit to do good and move forward as the intrepid reporter takes up his pen to take on this unassuming man of the community in an attempt to uncover a series of events that shake the foundations of the society. Searching for truth at any cost and fighting for humanity shows how one person's will to effect positive social change can overcome all evils and bring justice to those in power, According to the press release of the film's PR team, 'Maharaj' will be released on OTT.