Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Actor Aamir Khan is one of the celebrities who has become a victim of deepfake videos amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, recently a video of the actor promoting a political party went viral, On which many reactions are coming. the audience. On Tuesday, Aamir's official spokesperson issued a statement calling this particular clip "fake". The spokesperson also said that the actor has also lodged an FIR with Mumbai Police in this regard. “We would like to clarify that Mr. Aamir Khan has never supported any political role in his 35-year-long career.He has dedicated his efforts to raising awareness among the public through the Election Commission's public awareness campaigns for several elections. We are concerned over the recent viral video alleging that Aamir Khan is promoting a particular political party. He would like to clarify that this is a fake video and is completely false. They have reported the matter to various authorities related to the issue, including filing an FIR with the cyber crime cell of Mumbai Police. Mr Khan would like to urge all Indians to come out and vote and be an active part of our electoral process.Meanwhile, on the work front, as a producer, Aamir is coming up with 'Lahore 1947' starring Sunny Deol in the lead role. It is directed by Rajkuma Santoshi. The film also stars Preity Zinta, Shabana Azmi, Karan Deol and Ali Fazal. Sunny and Aamir have never worked together before. But the pair have had very prestigious box-office confrontations as rivals in the past, where both have ultimately emerged victorious.The first iconic clash at the ticket window was seen in 1990 when Aami Khan's Dil and Sunny Deol's Ghayal were released on the same day. Then, in 1996 it was 'Raja Hindustani' vs 'Ghatak', followed by Indian cinema's most epic box office clash in 2001 when 'Lagaan' released on the same day as 'Gadar', now for the first time, it The pair have come together and joined hands on the project. 'Lahore, 1947' also marks the reunion of Aamir Khan and Santoshi after their iconic cult classic, 'Andaz Apna Apna'.