KUALA LUMPUR: Clinical trials of an mRNA vaccine have begun and researchers are expecting broadly positive results in the fight against the widespread disease.

Influenza kills 650,000 people worldwide each year.

According to the World Health Organization, ninety-nine percent of deaths in children under five in developing countries are caused by influenza-related infections. The current crop of influenza vaccines have limitations in effectively combating the billions of cases of seasonal influenza each year. are because they provide immunity only against a specific existing strain or mutation. The tendency of FL viruses to mutate into new strains means that vaccines must be constantly monitored and reformulated each year.But a universal influenza vaccine using mRNA technology – which was used with success during the COVID pandemic – has the potential to provide long-lasting immunity against different influenza strains.

The technology allows rapid development and deployment and provides versatility in targeting multiple areas of the influenza virus. New or mutated influenza variants are always a threat, especially those originating from animal sources. Pandemics such as the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed 50 million people, and the recent outbreak of avian influenza ("bird flu") viruses, underscore the continuing threat posed by influenza.

It also underlines the urgent need for a universal influenza vaccine capable of providing protection against all subtypes of the virus.In recent years, lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-encapsulated nucleoside-modified mRNA ('mRNA-LNP') vaccines have emerged as a powerful tool in combating influenza and other infectious diseases. These vaccines work by changing the way our cells make proteins. They use mRNA created in the lab to teach—or even a piece of protein—which triggers an immune response inside our bodies.

The limited efficacy of current vaccines can be attributed to their focus on generating strain-specific antibodies against influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) alone. It is a protein within the virus that causes infection.

To broaden protective immunity, new vaccine strategies aim to elicit responses against more proteins (virus fragments).One promising pathway involves triggering T-cell responses. T-cells are a type of white blood cell and are part of the body's immune system. T-cell-mediated immunity not only eliminates infected cells but is also related to better outcomes in individuals affected by influenza. Animal studies have demonstrated the protective role of T-cells against various influenza virus strains.

These vaccines are examples of the successful development and global deployment of mRNA-LNP-based COVID-19 vaccines, eliciting robust T-cell and antibody responses.These vaccines also offer the advantage of rapid production and adaptation to target emerging viral variants.

While several mRNA-LNP influenza vaccines are in development, most prioritize stimulating antibody responses and under-exploit the potential of T-cell immunity. How vaccines might work

The development of a universal influenza mRNA vaccine requires careful consideration of several important factors to optimize its effectiveness and suitability.

Initially, the vaccine should target regions within the influenza virus that are responsible for viral replication but are less susceptible to mutation. By focusing on these regions, the vaccine can elicit a broad and lasting immune response, which Encapsulating nucleoside-modified mRNA within lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) has emerged as a promising strategy to enhance vaccine effectiveness, providing protection against a range of strains.These LNPs protect the mRNA from degradation and facilitate its delivery to target cells, where it can be translated into viral proteins, triggering immune responses in the human body. Additionally, optimizing the mRNA sequence promotes protein response, ensuring a strong and persistent immune response following vaccination.

Another important aspect of designing a universal influenza mRNA vaccine is the inclusion of adjuvants or 'agents' to enhance vaccine efficacy. An adjuvant is an ingredient used in some vaccines that helps create a stronger immune response in people. Integrating adjuvants into vaccine manufacturing improves vaccine efficacy, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems.The design of a universal influenza mRNA vaccine should thus prioritize addressing practical considerations for triggering T-cell responses, enhancing mRNA delivery and expression, incorporating adjuvants to boost efficacy, and global distribution .

By addressing these critical aspects, a universal influenza mRNA vaccine has the potential to revolutionize influenza prevention and control efforts, providing broad and lasting protection against seasonal and pandemic influenza strains, as demonstrated by COVID-19. Currently, mRNA vaccines have demonstrated safety and efficacy in clinical trials for a variety of infectious diseases. This provides confidence in the feasibility of developing a universal influenza mRNA vaccine that is safe and effective.

Ongoing advances in mRNA technology, such as improved delivery systems and stabilization methods, further increase the chances of creating a universal influenza vaccine that meets all the criteria.The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has begun enrollment of volunteers at Duke University in North Carolina to test an experimental mRNA-LNP vaccine against seasonal influenza, one of several universal influenza vaccine candidates now in the pipeline. Is. Another clinical trial has started at the US National Institutes of Health's clinical center in Maryland. mRNA vaccine technology offers several advantages, including rapid development, scalability and precise design. Two classes of mRNA vaccines exist, conventional and self-amplified, and both are being explored for their ability to provide broad protection against influenza viruses.

Despite their promise, challenges remain in effectively delivering MRN molecules in vaccines due to their inherent instability.Overcoming these challenges is essential for the successful development of universal MRN vaccines for influenza.

Additionally, advances in mRNA vaccine technology have led to novel approaches to promoting universal influenza vaccination, offering hope for widespread protection against this constantly changing virus.(360info.org) PYPY