Jammu, BJP leader Jitendra Singh, who received a warm welcome on his arrival in the capital Jammu after becoming the Union Minister for the third consecutive time, said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will participate in an event in Srinagar in which about 9,000 people will do yoga. That on 21st June.

Soon after his arrival from New Delhi, Singh was welcomed by BJP workers at the Jammu airport with garlands and flowers amid sloganeering.

"On June 21, PM Modi will participate in a yoga program in Srinagar in which around 9,000 people will do yoga with him," Singh told reporters here.

He further said that there is a plan to virtually connect all the 20 districts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Singh said, “Even if 2,000 people from each district join, around 50,000 people from Jammu and Kashmir will join virtually. This will have a statewide impact.Since then, he said, similar regular programs were organized for timely grant of installments to needy farmers and the process continued in Modi's second term as well. This is now also being seen in the Modi 3.0 government, he said, with the first ceremony taking place within just a month of the swearing-in of the Cabinet for the third term.

Singh said that as the name suggests, the amount transferred to the accounts of needy farmers is not only a means of providing financial assistance but also an expression of the society's respect and acceptance of the farmer as an "Annadata". And so, this is the plan. It is appropriately named ‘Kisan Samman Nidhi’ Scheme.

It also reflects Prime Minister Modi's conscious effort to introduce a new work culture in politics in the society, which transcends divisions of caste, creed or religion, Singh said.