According to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), 69 percent of businesses focus more on using AI to boost innovation and increase revenue than on productivity improvement and cost optimization.

Dr. Harrick Winn, Chief Technology Officer, TCS, said, “2023 was a year of excitement, with every enterprise experimenting with AI/GenAI use cases. We are now entering an era of broader and deeper enterprise AI adoption. Are."

"However, enterprises are realizing that the road to production for AI solutions is not easy, and building an AI-mature enterprise is a marathon, not a sprint," he said.

The report surveyed nearly 1,300 CEOs and other senior executives across 1 industries and 24 countries.According to the report, executives were generally positive about the impact of AI, with 57 percent reporting excitement or optimism about the potential impact of AI on businesses.

Nearly 45 percent expect half of their employees to need generative AI capabilities to do their jobs in three years.
41 percent thought more people would do so.

“Add human ingenuity and organizations can create a new paradigm for the modern marketplace. As a result, today's enterprises will deliver stakeholder and customer value like never before – incrementally, through support and enhancement efforts, and As a rapid transformation initiative,” Sai said.Sivaraman Ganesan, Head, AI.Cloud Business Unit, TCS.

Additionally, the report notes that executives believe the impact of AI will be greater than or equal to that of the Internet (54 percent) and smartphones (5 percent).

Nearly 40 percent of executives said they would have to make a lot of changes to their business before they could take full advantage of AI in the future.

More than half (55 percent) noted that they are actively making changes to their business or operating model, or their products and services, right now because of the potential benefits and risks of AI.