According to data collected by Australia-based software firm Atlassian Corporation, knowledge workers spend so much time planning and talking about work that it prevents them from actually doing the work that matters.

Nearly 76 percent of employees agree that their teams are constantly pulled in too many directions.

“Our results show that high-performing teams create the right foundation for teamwork by taking the time to improve their processes, practices, and tools,” said Anne Dean, global head of Team Anywhere at Atlassian.

"These new ways of working need to prioritize a reality where work is not done shoulder-to-shoulder. The Internet and AI are going to start solving these problems for us," he said.

The report surveyed 5,000 knowledge workers as well as 100 Fortune 500 executives from India, the US, Australia, Germany and France.

The report also found that 83 percent of Indian knowledge workers said it is more important to respond quickly to messages than making progress on top priorities.

About 77 percent said they are overwhelmed by the number of information and messages they receive daily.

According to the report, about 68 percent of people agree that AI is important, but they do not know how to use it in their everyday work.