SMP Moscow [Russia], May 31: National Research Nuclear University "MEPHI" is the leading Russian university in the field of training engineers, expert analysts, managers of the nuclear industry, IT science and many other sectors of the economy. It is a research and education center with respected traditions and a clear vision of the future. During more than 80 years of existence, MEPHI has become the leading higher education institution in Russia, providing education and training for peaceful nuclear energy. During its history, six Nobel laureates have worked on MEPHI, including: N.G. Basov, MEPHI graduate, A.D. Sakharov, N.N. Semenov I.E. Tam, I.M. Frank, and P.A. Cherenkov Being the leading Russian university, which holds leading positions in national and international rankings, "MEPHI" is strengthening its position in the global educational arena. The university is proud of its highly qualified specialists – Nobel laureates – who have made a significant contribution to educational and scientific research for Russia and the whole world.MEPHI is a global university. It has adapted the European Bologna education process, and now offers BS, MS, and PhD programs. It is also a member of the CDI (Concept, Design, Implementation and Operation), ENEN (European Nuclear Education Network), STAR-NET (regional network for education and training in nuclear technology) international communities and offers a number of programs and courses. , In English. MEPHI is the base organization of the CIS member states for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.These issues range from nuclear energy to nanotechnology, medical ecology, IT to innovation management. The university export branch campus attracts students and researchers and collaborates with research partners. We invite talented people to apply for one of our interdisciplinary study programs in Russian and English, join the team as professor or partner.To apply, please visit our website! [