Mumbai: White-collar hiring activities witnessed a 7.62 per cent decline in June as hiring remained stagnant in most sectors, a report said on Monday.

According to the Naukri Jobspeak Index, white-collar hiring activity declined by 7.62 per cent in June with 2,582 job postings, compared to 2,795 a year ago.

Sectors including telecom (12 per cent), BPO/ITES (9 per cent), education and teaching (9 per cent), global competence centers (7 per cent) witnessed improvement in hiring compared to the same month last year. , it was said.

It said sectors like insurance (28 percent), FMCG/food industry (12 percent), pharmaceutical (6 percent) saw positive performance in hiring in June compared to the same month last year.

Cities in Rajasthan and Gujarat showed resilience, including Jodhpur (36 percent), Kota (21 percent), Udaipur (13 percent), Rajkot (35 percent), Surat (13 percent), and Jamnagar (13 percent). ) leading to new job creation, the report said.

However, big cities like Bengaluru (9 per cent) and Mumbai (6 per cent) saw a decline in hiring activity.

“As we reported last year, the power dynamic shift in the Indian hiring landscape is well and truly underway and mini-metros are consistently outperforming their metro counterparts. Gujarat, an otherwise turbulent market, is expected to Kiran has been there and now it is "It is encouraging to see emerging cities of Rajasthan like Jodhpur and Udaipur joining the race," said Pawan Goyal, Chief Business Officer,

Naukri Jobspeak is a monthly index representing the state of the Indian job market and recruitment activity based on new job listings and job-related searches by recruiters on's resume database.