Of them, 52,521 were voters above 85 years of age, and 16,040 belonged to the persons with disability (PWD) category.

Chief Electoral Officer Praveen Gupta said that forms of 76,068 such eligible voters have been approved for 25 Lok Sabha constituencies. These include 58,65 senior citizens and 17,409 disabled people. Special polling teams are going to the homes of such voters and conducting their voting through postal ballot with complete secrecy.

The process of home voting in the first phase of Lok Sabha constituencies continued from April 5 to 13. For those who were absent for some reason, home voting was held again between 15 and 16 April.

The second phase of voting is going on from April 14 to April 21. So far 68,561 voters have voted in both the phases. So far 938 voters could not vote due to death and 1,590 voters remained absent.

The remaining 4,979 voters of the second phase will cast their votes in the remaining days. He said that in case of absenteeism, an opportunity to vote again will be given on 22nd and 23rd April.