Goa Fisheries Minister Neelkanth Halarankar told IANS that the ban will be implemented from June 1.

“This ban is for 61 days, from June 1 to July 31,” Halarankar said.

The minister said action would be taken against those involved in illegal fishing during the restricted season.

"Due to bad weather conditions in the sea, no one goes fishing. All boats are parked at the ghats. However, if I find anyone fishing during the ban period, we will take action," he said.

Mechanized fishing is prohibited along the coast and territorial waters of Goa during this period.

There are approximately 897 fishing trawlers in Goa.

During the ban season the crews of the trawlers migrate to their hometowns and come back to the coastal state in late July to resume operations in August.

Most of the workers on trawlers are from other states, who get little time off during the fishing ban period.

Restrictions are imposed every year in the coastal state to facilitate adequate time for fish breeding.