Single screen cinema theater owners in Hyderabad, Telangana have decided to temporarily stop movie screenings in view of the losses incurred due to lack of patronage.

The total number of single screen theaters in Telangana is around 450.

State Film Exhibitors Association president Vijayendra Reddy said single screen theater owners have individually decided to stop screening from this week.

He said his daily expenditure is between Rs 10,000 to Rs 12,000 in small towns and Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000 in Hyderabad. However, the per day revenue, especially in the case of smaller cinemas, is not even Rs 4,000.

He said if the theater is closed the loss would be around Rs 4,000 per day, while it would reach around Rs 6,000 if a film is screened.

The decision to stop screening will remain in effect for at least two weeks, he said. Screenings have already been stopped in some theaters in the state.

However, Reddy said theater owners would be willing to screen films if a producer comes forward and makes advance payment as a business transaction. In such a situation, if protection is granted then screening will continue.

No big film is going to be released till June 15.