Washington, Up to 42 percent of all startups in California are founded by immigrants who are the lifeblood of the Golden State, Governor Gavin Newsom told a group of eminent Indian Americans at a fundraising event.

Newsom, a senior Democratic Party leader, made the comments in Massachusetts on Monday.

“Forty-two percent of all startups in California are founded by immigrants and they are the lifeblood of our state. Amid the vitriol, xenophobia and nativism that permeates much of our politics, particularly from figures like Donald Trump, we in California have endured and emerged stronger,” Newsom said at a fundraiser in Massachusetts.

“We overcame the divisive rhetoric of Proposition 187 in the 1990s and today celebrate our diversity rather than simply tolerate it. As a result, we are a leader in manufacturing, have the largest number of scientists, researchers and Nobel laureates, and continue to drive innovation globally," he said.

Hosted by US Indian Security Council Chairman Ramesh Viswanath Kapur and his wife Susan at their home in Winchester on July 8, the fundraiser was attended by eminent Indian Americans from Boston and surrounding areas.

Kapur in his remarks expressed gratitude to Newsom for his decisive veto of SB 403, which aimed to ban caste discrimination, and for his interest in visiting a Hindu temple in Florida in the coming months.

The room, filled with many attendees, entrepreneurs and young people of Indian origin, erupted in applause, recognizing Newsom's strong support for entrepreneurship and his principled stance on critical issues. Kapur also stated that he believes the governor has a good chance of becoming the 47th president of the United States.

Addressing Massachusetts' unique strengths, Newsom highlighted how renowned higher education institutions serve as conveyor belts of talent, fostering competition not only in price but also in talent.

He noted that what sets California and Massachusetts apart is their human capital: the best and the brightest. This spirit of inclusion and growth ensures that everyone benefits. In a state where 27 percent of the population is foreign-born, this mentality is crucial.

California, a majority-minority state with a population equivalent to 21 other states combined, must see itself in the context of the world.