New Delhi: A new research has shown that warming the planet by 3 degrees Celsius could lead to a loss of up to 10 percent of the world's GDP.

It also found that the worst effects were seen in poor, tropical countries – a loss of 17 percent of GDP.

The study – led by ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and published in the journal Nature Climate Change – suggested that about half of the projected global economy losses could be related to extreme heat, with heat waves being the most frequent of the extreme events analyzed. Are more effective. ,

"Impacts are more severe in the Global South and are greatest in Africa and the Middle East, where higher initial temperatures make countries particularly vulnerable to additional warming," the authors wrote.

The researchers further found that the costs of climate change increased across the globe after taking into account changes in precipitation and temperature that occur within a short period of time in a location.“If we take into account that hotter years are also accompanied by changes in precipitation and temperature variability, it turns out that the projected impact of spikein temperatures is worse than previously thought,” says ETH Zurich doctoral researcher and economist said Paul Weidelich and lead author. the study.

The researchers found that limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius could reduce projected economic losses by two-thirds.

"Some people still say the world cannot afford rapid decarbonization, but the global economy will also suffer from the impacts of climate change," says Sonia Seneviratne, co-author of the study and vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. " Group I Group I

For the study, researchers used 33 global climate models and analyzed climate indicators related to both greenhouse gas emissions and income growth for the period 1850-2100.Indicators include annual average temperature, annual rainfall and extreme rainfall.

The authors acknowledged that substantial uncertainties remain when projecting the cost impacts of climate change.

He said the uncertainties are mainly "socio-economic" – how long the impacts last and how well societies can adapt.

He said the total costs of climate change "are likely to be much higher because the study does not include non-economic impacts, drought, sea level rise, climate change impacts.