On Wednesday, hundreds of soldiers led by General Juan Jose Zuniga marched on Murillo Square, the center of Bolivia's political power, and forced their way into the old government palace in an unsuccessful attempt to oust President Luis Arce.

The investigation shows that planning for the coup began in May and was organized by three well-defined groups, including a "preparation and planning group" led by Zuniga and Vice Admiral Juan Arnaz, Xinhua news agency reported. Group”, who were arrested on Wednesday night. Quoting del Castillo.

Members of the second "organization and coordination" group were arrested on Thursday and the third group, which del Castillo described as "the most violent", for entering Murillo Square with tanks and deploying military weapons against the Bolivian people. was responsible.

The police are still searching for three soldiers who are currently fugitives.

The official said on Thursday that ammunition and heavy caliber weapons were found in a soldier's house, pointing to the seriousness and careful preparation of this insurgency.