In Srinagar, around 114.57 tonnes of waste have been collected from the twin routes to the Amarnath shrine in the south Kashmir Himalayas since the start of the annual pilgrimage 10 days ago, officials said on Monday, as part of ground-breaking sanitation measures to ensure an "eco-friendly yatra".

The 52-day annual pilgrimage to the holy cave shrine, which houses a naturally formed ice shiva lingam at a height of 3,880 metres, began from the twin tracks - the 48-kilometre Nunwan-Pahalgam route at Anantnag and the lower short of 14 kilometers. Baltal route, but steeper, in Ganderbal, on June 29.

"So far, the cumulative figure of waste in both axes remained at 114.57 tons. The total amount of waste processed in tons remained at 85.72 and the total amount of inert waste generated in tons remained at 27.43" said an official.

He said the concerted efforts of the waste management teams produced impressive results in managing plastic, wet and inert waste along the route.

In a dedicated effort to ensure a green yatra, the Directorate of Rural Sanitation, under the department of rural development and panchayati raj, has adopted a novel approach to sanitation management.

Since June 27, more than 7,000 sanitation workers have worked to maintain cleanliness and advocate for a zero-landfill policy along the twin routes.

The department has integrated a comprehensive strategy, focusing on men, machinery, mechanisms, maintenance, monitoring and motivation to achieve sustainable sanitation, the official said.

This holistic approach ensures efficient waste management and promotes a cleaner environment for the thousands of pilgrims participating in the yatra, he added.

The official said 43.30 tonnes of plastic waste had been collected, efficiently deposited and safely stacked at designated places.

The collected plastic waste will be delivered to registered recyclers to ensure its proper management and minimize its impact on the environment, he said.

The 43.85 tons of wet waste collected are being processed in composting beds, following best practices, to produce high-quality manure, the official said.

The manure will be supplied to the agriculture department as an alternative to chemicals and fertilizers, he said, adding that this initiative not only reduced waste but also promoted sustainable farming practices by generating valuable manure and promoting organic farming. .

The official said that the generation of inert waste was 27.43 tons.

Of these, 24 tonnes have been responsibly disposed of at Achan landfill site of Srinagar Municipal Corporation.

In addition, three tons of inert waste have been loaded into compactors for subsequent processing. This systematic approach ensures that inert waste is managed effectively, reducing its impact on the environment, the official said.

"These waste management initiatives are part of a broader commitment to maintain the sanctity and cleanliness of pilgrimage routes," said Rural Sanitation Director General Anoo Malhotra.

He said the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including waste management teams, local authorities and volunteers, were instrumental in achieving these milestones.

Amarnath Yatra continues to uphold the principles of environmental stewardship, ensuring that the pilgrimage remains a memorable and sustainable experience for all devotees, Malhotra said.

The management's commitment to effective waste management highlights the dedication to preserving the region's natural beauty and ensuring a sustainable pilgrimage experience, he said.

By processing all collected waste, the official said the initiative sets a high standard for environmental conservation and responsible waste disposal.