Despite progress, women are still "largely excluded" from positions of power and diplomacy, and the highest levels of influence and decision-making are predominantly held by men, UN Women said in a press release on the data.

Globally, the underrepresentation of women in decision-making remains "a harsh reality," according to the statement.

New UN Women data on gender parity in leadership positions is released as the world marks International Day of Women in Diplomacy on June 24, created to recognize and celebrate how women are breaking barriers and making a difference in diplomacy.

As of January 1, 2024, only 23 percent of ministerial positions are held by women and in 141 countries women make up less than a third of cabinet ministers. Seven countries have no female representation in their cabinets.

Male dominance in diplomacy and foreign affairs extends to permanent missions to the UN, where women remain underrepresented as permanent representatives, reports Xinhua news agency.

In May 2024, women held 25 percent of permanent representation positions in New York, 35 percent in Geneva and 33.5 percent in Vienna.

"Our work is guided by the belief that when women lead, the world is better for all people and the planet. As many countries go to the polls this year, we must all put women first, at the top of power, where and when is what matters most. Women's equal participation in governance and leadership is key to improving the lives of all," said UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous.

Electing and appointing women to leadership positions "signals a strong political will for gender equality" and demonstrates a collective commitment to addressing the challenges facing the world today, according to the statement.

"As we prepare to mark 30 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the world's most progressive plan to advance women's rights, UN Women continues to work to ensure that women lead and thrive in the world. shaping and driving positive change, including through occupying the highest positions of power," he added.

The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995.