Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Recalling the "non-reaction" to the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said India has launched a counter-terrorism offensive with surgical strikes and air strikes after the terrorist attacks in Uri. Gave a 'clear message'. And Pulwama He said that after 26/11 the world was sympathetic towards India but also wanted New Delhi not to create any 'tension' with Islamabad. The External Affairs Minister said this happened because India did not work to "delegitimize terrorism" and convince the world that it is a threat to everyone globally. Jaishankar was speaking at an event titled 'India's Vishwabandhu Perspective on Global Relations' at the Constitution Club in Mumbai. monday."When 26/11 happened you all know what was our reaction or to put it very frankly what was our non-reaction. But you also know that our reaction in Uri and Balakot was very different. And one reason Because Uri was across the Line of Control and Balakot was across the international border, so the message was that if you come and do something here, you are across the Line of Control. You can cross the international border - we will still come and take you there,'' he said when a group of heavily armed terrorists from Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayyib attacked the Pakistani border on November 26, 2008. They created havoc on the streets of Mumbai and opened fire on unarmed civilians at several major public establishments.More than 166 people, including foreigners, were killed and more than 300 were injured in these attacks. India carried out surgical strikes against terror camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) in response to an attack on an army base in Uri, Kashmir in 2016. In 2019, following the Pulwama attack – in which more than 40 Indian soldiers were killed – the Indian Air Force carried out air strikes on Pakistani terror camps in Balakot. The External Affairs Minister further said that India did not advocate the world against terrorism and could not convince them that anyone could fall victim to this menace. “Now, I want you to think for a moment about the world's reaction.When 26/11 happened, everyone said yes, very bad, we sympathize with you...but don't create tension with Pakistan. Because we did not lobby the world, we did not explain to the world what terrorism is, that it is a threat to all... Today, it is my turn, tomorrow it will be yours,” the External Affairs Minister further Told why the world understood India's reaction to Uri and Balakot but 'tense' after 26/11 attacks, Jaishankar said that being a 'world brother' a country can take the world forward from its point of view. By then, we had actually reached 2016. We did Uri (surgical strike) and the world said that Indians did what Indians had to do.We did Balakot (air strike)...- Why was it that the world was understanding about UR and Balakot, but the world was so tense about 26/1, or I would say indifferent because a lot of people sympathized with us But they stopped there," the External Affairs Minister said, "and the reason is that we did not make that much effort to convince the world to make terrorism illegal... Being a world brother, if you You are only as strong as you are if you are able to move the world from your perspective, you have that ability,” Earlier in the day, External Affairs Minister had said Jaishankar also interacted with investors, students and social media influencers Participated in which he stressed that India needed a "strong and experienced" government. A very productive day in Mumbai, interacting with investors, social media influencers, students and intellectuals. In a turbulent and uncertain world, India needs a strong and experienced government, which has the ability and confidence to take the right decisions. The last 10 years have laid the foundation of a developed India. Our choices now will ensure that we make progress toward that goal by 2047,” Jaishankar said in a social media post.