New Delhi [India], the report, titled "AI at Work: Friend and Foe," by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), indicates that 54 percent of Indian respondents rated trust in their top two feelings toward AI at work. Additionally, 93 percent of those who use GenAI for work in India agreed that it has saved them a lot of time.

A BCG study has revealed a surprising level of confidence among Indian workers in applying artificial intelligence and generative AI (GenAI) in the workplace.

This sentiment is part of a broader trend captured in a global survey involving more than 13,000 employees in 15 countries and regions. Conducted by BCG's technology design and construction division, BCG AI and GenAI in all areas.

The findings show that 42 percent of respondents globally expressed confidence in the impact of these technologies on their work, a substantial increase from 26 percent the previous year.

However, this confidence is accompanied by increased anxiety: 49 percent of heavy users fear that their jobs could disappear in the next decade due to these technologies. In contrast, only 24 percent of non-users shared this concern. The report highlights the growing integration of GenAI into workplaces around the world. About 64 percent of leaders are now implementing GenAI tools, and frontline employees are showing a significant increase in usage: 43 percent regularly use these tools at work, more than double the number last year.

Sylvain Duranton, CEO and Senior Partner at BCG and co-author of the report, commented: "Our survey exposes the double-edged nature of GenAI. Familiarity correlates with both comfort and fear. GenAI is a revolutionary technology, so that these opposite reactions should not surprise me."

He added: "By recognizing the complex ways humans understand and interact with GenAI, leaders can reshape their organizations to maximize the strengths and value of their human and machine workers." A portion of respondents who use GenAI for work, Specifically, 58 percent reported saving at least five hours per week. The time saved is often redirected toward additional tasks (41 percent), new initiatives (39 percent), GenAI experimentation (38 percent), or strategic work (38 percent).

Vinciane Beauchene, CEO and Partner at BCG and co-author of the report, said: "We are entering a new era for GenAI that is less about optimism and curiosity and more about trust and realization of values. Adoption has increased and people are starting to see the benefits."

He added: "Businesses are also beginning to realize that getting value from their investment will require them to think beyond productivity and take a more holistic and proactive approach to redirect saved time to the most valuable and fun activities, to retrain their employees. Do so and consequently reshape their organizations and operating models.”The study highlighted a stark difference in attitudes toward GenAI between workers in the Global South and the Global North.

Respondents from countries such as Brazil, India, Nigeria, South Africa and those in the Middle East showed more optimism and less anxiety about GenAI compared to their counterparts in more developed economies.

The Global South not only demonstrated a higher percentage of regular GenAI users among leaders, managers, and frontline employees, but also a higher likelihood of having received GenAI training. Additionally, employees in these regions reported using the time saved by GenAI to focus on professional development, experimentation with the tool, and improving the quality of their work.

The report concludes with key recommendations for companies looking to realize the full potential of GenAI.

Organizations are encouraged to establish a transformation-first mindset, continually manage all transformation efforts to ensure cohesion and efficiency, and invest in large-scale training initiatives to equip employees with the necessary skills.Doing Emphasizing value creation and employee satisfaction, companies must prepare for evolving job roles and skill requirements and adapt their organizational and governance structures accordingly.

Jeff Walters, managing director and senior partner at BCG and co-author of the report, said: "Understandable human reactions to these technologies can pose challenges for companies as they continue their journeys with GenAI."

He added: "But as we noted in last year's report, and it remains true this year, these are more change management challenges than technological challenges. And now is the time for organizations to redouble their commitment to transformation built around GenAI."