In the upcoming episode of the Anil Kapoor-hosted show, Sana will first be seen engaging in a war of words with co-housemate Shivani Kumari to see who is more "bad-tempered". After the argument, she will be seen sitting and talking with co-housemate Sai Ketan after she came to know about her ex-boyfriend's infidelity.

Talking about the incident, Sana said, 'God has given me very good intuition. I noticed some changes in my then boyfriend. I tried to call him, but he did not pick up the phone. His phone and smartwatch are always with him, so it was almost impossible for him to miss my call.

“Then my friend called me and sensed my stress in my voice. She snuck quietly outside my boyfriend's house and heard a woman's voice inside.

Sana then said that her ex-boyfriend clarified that the woman was just a friend.

"A week later, she called and said, 'The detective game is over? She was just a friend, and I didn't tell you because I knew you would react that way.' I replied, 'I learned what I needed to know and understand,' he said to Sai.

Sana further said, 'If she was just a friend, you would not have chased away my friend.' Later, he monitored my stories and tracked my location. Once she called me trying to make me understand and the girl also came forward to give clarification, but I had already moved on. Now both of us are happy with our lives.”

Hearing his plight, Sai Ketan said: “If I were in his place, I would have invited you in too. If I had hidden my friend from you, we would have hung out together instead.

The show airs on JioCinema Premium.