Male [Maldives], After a Maldivian official alleged an unauthorized landing by an Indian helicopter in 2019, the Indian High Commission on Tuesday issued a clarification, saying the "October 9" flight was under MND (Maldives National Defence). Force), the High Commission stated that the emergency landing at Thimarafushi (Tha Atoll) had to be made due to "unforeseen urgency". Indian aviation platforms in Maldives have always operated as per agreed procedures and with appropriate authorization from the MNDF. The specific flight of 0 October 2019 mentioned in the press conference was also undertaken with the approval of the MNDF,” the Indian High Commission in Maldives said in a statement in response to a media query on the Maldives government's comments made at the press conference. May 11, 2024 "Due to unforeseeable exigencies an emergency landing at Thimarafushi became necessary, which was done after taking necessary on-ground approval from ATC to ensure the safety of the platform and crew," the statement said https : // [ India's response to Maldives Defense Minister Mohammed Ghasa Maumoon's allegations against the helicopter during a press conference on Saturday last week Has come after.Was flown without Maldivian authorization According to the Maldives-based version, Defense Minister Mohammed Ghasa Maumoon also said at the press conference that "the issue was raised in the National Security Services Committee (241 Committee) of the Parliament." Further details of the incident were later provided by Defense Force chief Major General Ebrahi Hilmi, according to Hilmi, the unauthorized flight had taken place, and India's military personnel had The helicopter landed on the island of Thimarafushi, which is located approximately 222 kilometers south of the island nation's capital Male, Hilmi said, "he was informed that the helicopter and the Dornier only had permission from the Maldivian military." Earlier on May 10, the Ministry of External Affairs had confirmed the withdrawal of Indian military personnel from the Maldives and the "deputation of competent persons" to the archipelagic nation. India was requested to withdraw its troops from Male.Removal of Indian troops from Maldives was the main election campaign of Muizzu's party. Relations between New Delhi and Male have become tense since Mohammad Muizzu took power.