Mao made the remarks at a daily press briefing when he was asked to comment on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent comments regarding bilateral relations between the two countries, Xinhua news agency reported.

In an interview, Prime Minister Modi said that for India, relations with China are vital and important, and both sides need to urgently address the long-standing situation on the borders so as to move past the abnormality in bilateral interactions. Can be kept.

He said that stable and peaceful relations between India and China are important not only for both countries, but for the entire region, as he expressed hope and confidence that through positive and constructive bilateral engagement at the diplomatic and military levels, Both countries will be stronger with each other. Capable of restoring and maintaining peace and stability on the borders.

Mao said that the border question does not represent the entire India-China relations, and it should be appropriately placed and properly managed in bilateral relations.

He also said that China and India maintain close communication through diplomatic and military channels to deal with issues related to the border situation.

"We hope that India will work with China, view bilateral relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective, maintain trust and engage in dialogue and cooperation, and appropriately manage differences to put the relationship on a strong and stable path. ,” Mao said.