On Friday, the actress took to her Instagram and wrote a lengthy note talking about her options and expressing empathy for those who can't afford expensive medications.

Samantha wrote: “Over the last few years, I have had to take many different types of medications. I tried everything they strongly recommended I take. Based on the advice of highly qualified professionals and after doing as much self-research as possible for a layman like me. "A lot of these treatments were also very, very expensive."

The actress also mentioned that she often thought about how lucky she is to be able to afford these treatments and she felt empathy for those who cannot.

Samantha shared that her conventional treatments were not giving her positive results for a long time.

She continued: “It's most likely just me and I'm sure they will work great for others. “These two factors led me to also read about alternative therapies and treatments. And after trial and error, I found treatments that worked wonders for me. Treatments that also cost a fraction of what you spent on conventional healthcare. “I am not naïve enough to strongly advocate for a treatment.”

Samantha said that she consulted a highly qualified doctor who worked in DRDO for 25 years and he was the one who prescribed the alternative medicine.

“I simply suggested with good intentions because of everything I have faced and learned in the last few years. Especially since the treatments can be financially draining and many may not be able to afford them. At the end of the day, we all depend on trained doctors to guide us. This treatment was suggested to me by a highly qualified doctor who has worked in DRDO for 25 years. "He, after all his education in conventional medicine, decided to advocate for an alternative therapy," she shared.

The actress then addressed a social media user who criticized her in a post on her X and called for her to be jailed for advocating for alternative medication.

Samantha stated: “A certain gentleman has attacked my post and my intentions with some pretty strong words. This man is also a doctor. I have no doubt that he knows more than I do. And I'm pretty sure his intentions were noble. It would have been kind and compassionate of him if he hadn't been so provocative with his words. Especially the part where he suggests I should be imprisoned. It doesn't matter. I guess he goes with the territory of being a celebrity.”

The actress clarified that she shared his post as someone who needs medical treatments, not as a celebrity, and she emphasized that she was not profiting from the post or endorsing anyone.

Samantha wrote: “We can't just give up when medications don't work. I certainly wasn't about to give up... Getting back to the topic of said gentleman Doctor, it would have been nice if he had politely invited my Doctor, who I tagged in my post, instead of chasing me. I would have loved to learn from that debate and discussion between two highly qualified professionals. And as for sharing information about the treatments that have helped my health, I will be more careful since my intentions are only to help others. "Do not harm anyone."

“I have had many well-meaning people suggesting Ayurveda, homeopathy, acupuncture, Tibetan medicine, pranic healing, etc. I heard them all. I was just doing something similar. I share something that worked for me, as an option. And I know many of us facing health issues need that help, especially considering how overwhelming it is when every option has qualified people who are so sure of their polar opposite opinions. Both sides, for and against each treatment, are very confident and persuasive. It's hard to navigate them and find good help," she added.