Abu Dhabi [UAE], The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace commended the statements of the UAE, as Chair of the Arab Group, and the Republic of Uganda, Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, in the month of May. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Jarwan, Chairman of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic of Mauritius and Chairman of the Globa Council for Tolerance and Peace, expressed his views in a statement today regarding his support for granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations. Did. Gratitude for the efforts of the United Nations General Assembly. He highlighted that these efforts demonstrate the democratic nature of international relations and reflect a sincere commitment to implementing the will of the international community. This commitment, he said, is aimed at upholding rights and justice in support of the Palestinian people who are advocating for their fundamental rights. rights, such equality with other countries and recognition of their statehood equal to other United Nations Member States The Council stressed the importance of stopping the current war in Gaza in compliance with relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, the Security Council and human rights Gave. The Council stressed that the ongoing conflict increases hatred and creates new generations of youth seeking revenge, which hinders efforts to promote the values ​​of tolerance, a love that international efforts aim to promote in the world. Must develop among the population. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace stressed the need to unite. International efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people and to do everything possible to alleviate the difficulties faced by Palestinian children and women.