At the center of India's vast landscape lies the backbone of its economy: agriculture. For centuries, the rhythm of rural life has been set by the cycle of sowing and reaping, deeply rooted traditions passed down through generations. The country is leading as a top producer of milk, pulses, horticulture, livestock, shrimp and spices.

However, as the world moves towards a future defined by innovation and efficiency, India's agriculture sector stands at a turning point. Today the convergence of digital advancements, precision farming technologies, an innovative agritech solutions promises to revolutionize the way land is farmed, unleash untapped potential and propel Indian agriculture into the digital world.These achievements in Indian agriculture are by far due to factors such as mechanization, disruption in food productivity and increase in irrigation coverage. Let us look at some figures- About 394.6 million acres of land is cultivated in our country, with an average farm size of about It is 2 acres. Due to increasing population pressure and lack of land management policies, the country's relatively small land holdings are becoming more fragmented, which has a direct impact on productivity, income levels and overall gross domestic product (GDP).

'The majority of land holdings in the country - 86.2% - belong to small and marginal farmers, however, 2020 data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare shows that even though small and marginal farmers have the majority of land holdings, the area operated by them Is. Only 47%. This data highlights the disparity.Yet small farmers contribute about 51% of agricultural production and have a higher share (about 70%) in high-value crops with limited operated land. However, since they are not literate and belong to marginalized communities, they are generally excluded from the modern market system.

The agriculture sector in the country utilizes about 46.5% of the country's workforce and contributes 15% to the gross value added (GVA) with a sustained annual growth rate of about 4%, a growth rate not matched by other sectors. . Integrating small farmers and optimizing their efforts with the use of new technology, farming practices and modern input and output markets is the need of the hour, but it is a tough challenge in this sector. Lack of quality inputs at the right time: Farming It is not as easy as laying down your own land and starting to grow crops.Right from sowing, Indian farmers face challenges like getting good quality seeds, availability of fertilizers in required quality and quantity at the right time and cost, relevant crop advice and better inputs like farm management. Generally, timely unavailability and inaccessibility of these inputs leads to use of low-quality inputs, leading to reduced productivity.

Water scarcity for agriculture: Rain-fed agriculture covers about 51% of the total sown area of ​​the country and accounts for about 40% of the total food production. The unpredictability and scarcity of rainfall, as well as its uneven intensity and distribution, lead to unstable conditions in terms of sowing, growth and harvesting. Meanwhile, due to increasing water scarcity many countries use sprinkler systems and micro irrigation.However, all these are expensive in terms of cost and accessibility for many small and marginal farmers.

Farm Management: The need for farm workers is increasing with time; In contrast, it is projected that the labor force will decline by 26% over the next 25 years. While mechanization can solve growing labor shortages and costs, it is uneven across the country. In states like Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh the level of mechanization is around 40-45%, whereas in the north-eastern state the level of mechanization is negligible. Mechanization is capital-intensive and a huge cost for small and marginal farmers, while small and scattered land holdings make mechanization difficult, unsuitable for operation as well as at odds with economies of scale.Harvesting and post-harvest management: Even though farmers are able to manage their resources during the process from sowing to field management, post-harvest management is a difficult task. To maximize value, farmers must access wider markets. This requires integration across value chains, from post-harvest operations, transportation and storage to value-added processing and connecting to markets beyond local mandis. Small and marginal farmers are scattered and integrating them into the value chain is a difficult task.

Financial assistance: Lack of specialized financial assistance is a major barrier, with almost no institutional credit available for small, landless farmers and sharecroppers who are struggling to access personal loans.Even under the Kisan Credit Card Scheme, small farmers will have to prove their right to cultivate the land to avail loan facilities. These challenges lead farmers to seek assistance from informal sources, falling into debt traps and making investments more complex. A good credit system also supports a well-functioning insurance system. However, lack of access, resistance among private players and restrictive implementation of crop insurance schemes have discouraged both farmers and governments from creating a supportive insurance system against crop failure.

A farmer is working in his field. The agricultural sector has been greatly affected by climate change.Agricultural production and productivity are affected due to extreme fluctuations in climate with unprecedented droughts, dry spells, floods and heat waves. According to the Economic Survey 2017-2018, farmers, landless labourers, women in rainfed areas are among the most vulnerable populations, with their wages estimated to decline by 20-25% due to climate uncertainty.

call for action

The Indian diaspora is very distinct and unique in terms of culture, population, agricultural practices and climate. Over the years, various policies have been introduced, yet we are at a standstill when it comes to the agriculture sector. It is clear that a country like India with rich and diverse biodiversity needs a tailored approach to solve farming issues.“Technology is a game-changer for the Indian agriculture landscape, with agritech startups leading the way. At Cisco, we believe that the true measure of technological progress lies in its ability to create a positive impact on the ground. By supporting and collaborating with agritech startups, we aim to catalyze change in India's agriculture sector that benefits not only farmers but the entire ecosystem. “Together, we will harness the power of technology to drive inclusive growth, enhance food security, and create a sustainable future for generations to come,” said Harish Krishnan, Managing Director and Chief Policy Officer, Cisco India and SAARC. can do.''

We need a call to action from innovators, policy makers, ecosystem players, domain experts, investors, government stakeholders to inspire and take initiatives forward.There is a clear need for innovation at the institutional level so that we can meet current and future challenges. We need disruptive ideas to take sustainability issues and turn them into opportunities.

The issue of small and marginal farmers and farm size is a major issue in India. To see a paradigm shift in the Indian agricultural sector, additional measures specifically targeted at improving agricultural productivity income conditions and overall economic growth are needed. There are ongoing collaborations that promise hope for farmers who We are turning to technology to solve problems.One such is Krish Mangal, a scale-up accelerator program jointly launched by Cisco and Socia Alpha to bring technology to the ground for small and marginal farmers while building a strong ecosystem with multiple partners. Focused on increasing. Please read “A cohesive ecosystem to support innovations for small and marginal land holdings” to learn more about the need for such solutions..