VMP New Delhi [India], May 30: In recent years, the focus of educational institutions has largely shifted towards the holistic development, well-being and happiness of students. This trend has led to the emergence of happiness courses in various educational institutions to develop essential life skills. To promote skills, mental and emotional well-being and nurture a positive outlook towards life among the students. ''In the modern educational scenario, stress among students has indeed become a matter of concern, especially in the post-pandemic times where symptoms of stress, anxiety, negativity and loss of general well-being have come to the fore on a large scale and are a matter of real concern. Are subjects. Academician.By offering skill-building workshops and self-assessment exercises the curriculum helps students develop resilience, emotional intelligence, leadership qualities, which are vital for their personal and professional development. According to Dr. Pankaj, Happiness Curriculum has been designed as a skill building program. , similar to other skills development initiatives such as team building leadership, resilience and emotional intelligence. The program treats happiness as a skill that can be developed. A capacity-building program was also designed around this which discussed how to increase individuals' ability to be happy.The Happiness Program at Jaipuria Institute of Management has three important pillars Building a Perspective: This is accomplished through introductory sessions and workshops. The idea of ​​a happy life. Students are exposed to research-based practices to create healthy bodies and minds and how the mind and body are interconnected. The curriculum takes them through exercises to understand themselves and work on life purpose. The second pillar is based on mindful practices such as meditation, yoga practice, alpha-time vibration practice, day-restructuring practice, and gratitude practice. These are highly effective and powerful exercises that have helped students reduce stress and improve focus, thereby increasing positive appraisal of life.The third pillar is the use of technology-based interventions. The institute has created a Happiness Laboratory, where an electro-photonic imaging camera captures the energy flow in the body through a scanning process. It generates reports on stress levels and 7-chakra status. The calibration software generates a 20 page report and based on the report individual counseling sessions are arranged for the students. Furthermore, the changes caused by learning and practices are analyzed and shared with the students.It is also important to mention that teamwork is an integral part of the corporate world. Therefore, if students develop gratitude, empathy, compassion, they will be better equipped to thrive in an interdependent environment. As the positive impact of the Happiness Curriculum becomes clearer, it is set to play a vital role in shaping the future of education and the well-being of students around the world.