Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], After taking a flashback to the romantic era of Shahid Kapoor and Amrita Rao with the song 'Ishq Vishk Pyaar Vyaar', now the makers of 'Ishq Vishk Rebound' treat fans with their most favorite songs. Old memories have been refreshed. turn.

The makers launched the new song 'Chhote Dil Pe Laagi' starring Pashmina Roshan, Rohit Saraf, Jibran Khan and Nyla Grewal.

Taking to Instagram, Rohit Saraf treated fans to the full song and wrote, "Heartbreak will feel better with #ChotDilPeLagi. Full song coming soon.",

The song is sung by duo Asees Kaur and Varun Jain, who have lent their melodious voices to this beautiful entertainer while still maintaining the more youthful and innocent vibe.

Rochak Kohli's modern orchestration will make you dance to the rhythm, adding to the original charm of this romantic track. Lyrics are written by Gurpreet Saini.

Recently, the makers released the second song, titled Soni Soni, which features the romantic chemistry of Rohit Saraf and Pashmina Roshan.

This song has been composed by music director Rochak Kohli and its lyrics have been written by Gurpreet Saini.Darshan Raval, Jonita Gandhi and Rochak Kohli have lent their captivating voices to this track.

The story of the film revolves around modern love, relationships and friendship.

The teaser received positive response.

The teaser starts with Rohit talking about people falling in love. The famous song 'Chot Dil Pe Lagi' from 'Ishq Vishk' was shown playing in the background.However, later, Rohit said in the teaser that it is not a typical love story and the music changes, taking the audience to a different realm of romance and friendship for the Gen-Z generation.

Directed by the ace Avinash Dharmadhikari, 'Ishq Vishk Rebound' is the sequel to the 2003 hit film 'Ishq Vishk' which starred Amrita Rao, Vishal Malhotra and Shenaz Treasurywala along with Shahid Kapoor.

The film is produced by Ramesh Taurani under the banner of Tips Films Limited and co-produced by Jaya Taurani and is all set to release in theaters on June 21.