This variety of watermelon and melon is not only small in size but is also square in shape, hybrid variety of seeds have been used in it.

Interestingly, the Saraswati variety of watermelon and melon cultivated by farmers in Prayagraj has high TSS (total solid sugar) content and is cultivated under mulch film in about 1000 acres of land in Prayagraj, Kaushambh and Fatehpur districts. is being used. Farming techniques.

Generally, people know the common watermelon (green exterior and bright red interior), but these hybrid varieties will also have other colors such as yellow exterior and bright red interior or green exterior and yellow interior. .

Agriculture expert Manoj Kumar Srivastava said, “To produce good crops with limited resources, farmers are cultivating seeds brought from Taiwan. Small and medium sized watermelons and round and square shaped melons are more preferred by fruit lovers across the country as they contain low total solid sugar (TSS value ranging from 14 to 15 per cent).

However, farmers growing watermelons and melons say that they have grown new varieties of watermelons and melons with technical guidance and this hybrid variety of watermelons and melons is giving better profits to the farmers.

A farmer can earn a profit of Rs 80,000 to Rs 90,000 per acre. At present, hybrid varieties of watermelon and muskmelon are being cultivated across Ganga and Yamuna (Prayagraj), Muratganj of Kaushambi and Khaga in Fatehpur district. Saraswati variety of watermelon will soon be exported to other states.