New Delhi, A new research has revealed that men suffering from diabetes are at higher risk of serious health effects than women suffering from diabetes.

Complications arising from diabetes, such as heart, leg, kidney and eye diseases, were seen more in men than women, regardless of how long they had had diabetes, according to the researchers, who also included researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia. Are included. ,

The study included 25,713 people, all of whom were age 45 and older and had type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Through surveys, participants were monitored for 10 years for major health problems that developed due to diabetes. The responses were then linked to their medical records.The researchers found that 44 percent of men experienced a cardiovascular complication, including stroke and heart failure, compared to 31 percent of women. The findings were published in the 'Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health'.

Additionally, 25 percent and 35 percent of men were found to develop foot/leg and kidney conditions, respectively, compared to 18 percent and 25 percent of women, respectively. Foot/leg problems included ulcers and bone inflammation, while kidney problems included chronic disease and failure.

Overall, researchers found that men with diabetes were 51 percent more likely to develop cardiovascular problems than women with diabetes.Men with diabetes were found to be 55 percent and 47 percent more likely to develop kidney and leg/feet complications, respectively.

However, with respect to the overall risk of developing eye complications, tea was found to have little difference between men and women.

Of the participants, 57 percent of men developed these conditions, while among women, 61 percent developed these conditions. Men were found to have a 14 percent higher risk of developing the sight-threatening eye disease diabetic retinopathy.

"Men had a 1.5-fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), lower limb and kidney complications, and the risk of diabetic retinopathy was 14 percent higher in men than in women.These findings are reflected in ~1.4 fold higher 10-. "Annual rates of CVD, lower limb and kidney complications in me compared to women," the authors wrote.

The researchers said that while the rate of developing complications due to diabetes increased with the number of years lived with the metabolic disease for both men and women, gender-based differences in complication rates persisted.

As a possible explanation, the researchers pointed out that the men in the study were more likely to have known risk factors. They suggested that men in general may be less likely to make lifestyle changes, take preventive medications or get health checks to reduce their risk.The researchers said that being an observational study, no causation could be established. They also acknowledged the lack of information on potentially influencing factors, such as diabetes medications and glucose and blood pressure levels.

The authors said that even though men with diabetes have a higher risk of developing complications, these rates are higher in both men and women. He said the findings highlighted the need for targeted screening for complications, followed by prevention strategies after diagnosis.