"One is its antiquity, that it is one of the oldest civilizations and probably human life had developed and society had perfected itself to a very high level. Now, who did this? Were they the original people or were they Coming from outside, they may be biased about it, but they all believe that it is a civilization of ancient times,” Doval said in the 11-volume series ‘History of Ancient India’ by Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in New Delhi. Said on the occasion of its release.

The NSA said, "The second is continuity. That is, if it started 4,000 or 5,000 years ago, I think it has been continuous up to today. There has been no disruption. So it was continuity."

He said, the third characteristic is its vast expanse.

"This wasn't some little village that you find on a developed island or something like that. This is from the Oxus River, probably in Southeast Asia and other places, where the footprints of civilization were clearly visible."

Calling it a "paradox", the NSA further said that despite spanning 6,000 or 8,000 years of continuous history over such a vast area, the narrative it brings is the first chapter about Indian history in any Western. The districts begin with Alexander, even though he came to the Indian border only up to Jhelum and then did not proceed further.

NSA Doval also mentioned that there was a deliberate attempt to destroy India's history, including destroying institutions like Nalanda or Takshashila, through which Indians could connect with their past.

He said that Indian history is not just about killings and conquests but also about intellectual achievements.

He said, "Indian history is also about intellectual achievements, whether in science literature or other subjects."