VMP New Delhi [India], May 14: Andromeda, India's leading loan disbursement company, proudly announces the launch of its mobile app, “OneAndro”, designed to streamline the loan borrowing and disbursement process. . The app, now available on PlayStore, marks a significant leap in connecting thousands of agents with financial service providers across India. Founded in 1991 by V Swaminathan, Andromeda has grown from a sales associate for Citibank to India's largest loan distributor. Specializing in home loans, loans against property, personal loans and business loans, Andromed operates in over 1000 towns and cities with ambitious expansion plans. In the financial year 2023-24, the company achieved an important milestone by facilitating loan disbursement of over Rs 75,000 crore across various categories, Raul Kapoor, Co-CEO, Andromeda Sales & Distribution, commenting on the launch said, “The launch of OneAndro represents a significant moment for Andromeda and the financial services industry in India.This innovative platform not only brings us closer to achieving the target of facilitating annual loan disbursement of Rs 100,00 crore in this financial year (FY2024-25), but also strengthens our position. As the leading last mile provider of financial services in the country, the OneAndro mobile app offers a host of features aimed at enhancing the usage experience, allowing agents and employees to connect and expand their vast network of agents across the country. The Business Access app provides access to a wide range of financial products including different loan types, with plans for further integration of Real Estate Loans Against Securities (LAS), and Insurance. Additionally, the app boasts of integration with 27 lenders, facilitating quick data entry, approval, disbursement through digital APIs. A dedicated training center empowers users to enhance their product knowledge and upsell additional financial products to customers. Equifax integration I am already doing, CIBIL will soon follow, providing easy access to custom credit reports directly through the app, detailed MIS reports on logins, calls and other activities giving managers insights to improve productivity and Raoul Kapoor further added, “With a legacy of over three decades, Andromeda brings innovation and excellence to the financial services landscape. Is committed to.Through OneAndro and our continued dedication to leveraging technology, we aim to empower customers and partners alike to ensure access to tailored financial solutions that meet their growing needs. Andromeda was founded in 1991 by V Swaminathan, today Andromeda is India's largest loan distributor with a rich legacy of over 30 years. Covering over 1000 cities, with over 3000 employees and a strong distributor network of over 25,000 partners, Andromeda is poised to leap into the future by leveraging the power of technology. By integrating our strong understanding of the market with the latest trends and developments in digital technology, we help clients find the financial products best suited to their needs.