New Delhi [India], Following Paytm's clarification on media reports that Adani Group Chairman, Gautam Adani was in talks with Paytm founder Vijay Shankar Sharma to buy stake in Paytm, Adani Group also clarified and responded to these reports. Termed as wrong and untrue. Categorically reject this baseless speculation. This is completely false and untrue,” an Adani Group spokesperson told ANI, after popular fintech company Paytm termed the report as “speculation”. Paytm had informed the stock exchanges in a filing that the company is not pursuing any involvement. Discussion in this regard “…We clarify that the above news item is hypothetical and the company is not involved in any discussion in this regard,” the filing said. “We have always made disclosures in compliance with our rules and continue to do so.” Will keep." Obligations under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2015). In the early hours of Wednesday, a newspaper, citing unnamed sources, reported that Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani was looking to buy a stake in One 9 Communications' parent company. The Paytm report claims that Paytm founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma met Gauta Adani at his office in Ahmedabad on Tuesday to "finalize the contours of the deal." Now both the companies have denied this report and called it speculation and untrue. According to news reports, Sharma holds about 19 per cent of One 97, worth Rs 4,218 crore based on the stock's Tuesday closing price of Rs 342 per share.