New Delhi [India], Paytm on Thursday termed as "factually incorrect" media reports that some lenders may have used Paytm's loan guarantee. "We respectfully request media outlets to refrain from misreporting and make necessary changes to their articles. Our clarifications and ensuring factual integrity," One 97 Communications, which operates Popula fintech company Paytm, said in a filing to stock exchanges. In a stock filing, Paytm claimed that it acts as a distributor of loans, does not provide First Loss Default Guarantee (FLDG) or other loan guarantees to lending partners. It reiterated that the partners The article's claims about invoking loan guarantees due to repayment defaults by lenders are "incorrect" "We continue to collaborate with multiple banks and NBFCs, strictly following the risk through a diverse loan partnership network to ensure a compliant . Our personal loan distribution business was not effectively disrupted at scale,” claimed Aditya Biral, head of finance for One97 Communications, in a news article citing sources in Paytm's stock filing on Wednesday, May 8. One of the lending partners is Paytm-owned Paytm may have invoked the loan guarantee. Regarding the recent media articles on the exit of employees, Paytm, without specific details, emphasizes that The company has a strong senior leadership structure with over 50 senior vice presidents, supported by a strong management and governance framework.“Leaders within this structure oversee operations and reviews of business product and technology. All recent changes at Paytm align with pre-approved succession plans discussed with the Board in previous fiscal years.'' Paytm said, “As part of our annual performance appraisal, we will continue to evaluate the talent bench from time to time in the context of our future plans, which will result in the transformation of certain roles and employees,” it added. .